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KM-BI-Consulting is the Knowledge Master Corporation division dedicated to the consulting service to organizations

All our courses have been transferred to Knowledge Management International University

The significance of an organization's knowledge and intellectual capital handling become apparent by the fact that intangible assets have come to dominate the value of companies. Investors and analysts increasingly relate a company's value to its ability to generate, use and grow its intangible assets: Fast and transparent knowledge generation coupled with powerful management of intellectual property help your organization to increase this value. KM-BI-Consulting knowledge management and business intelligence services are helping our clients in deriving the same business value by building effective and efficient knowledge management solutions meeting specific client requirements.

KM-BI-Consulting defines Knowledge Management (KM) as: "KM is the process by which knowledge is used to create something really productive and thus, create income."

Knowledge management (KM) and business intelligence (BI) have developed in a mutually isolated fashion. We consider KM and BI as distinct but interrelated terms of common foundation, mutual effects, complementarity, and synergy. Put together, KM and BI, result in much more effective solutions.

We are convinced that:

  • Knowledge is something different from information and data
  • It should be available from wherever it is needed, to all those authorized to receive it
  • Both Input and Output must be simple
  • It should only be entered once - and then kept up to date and relevant to the enterprise
  • The language should be simple and appropriate The Information should always support the Learning Organization
  • The customer probably hasn't fully thought through all the aspects of developing a Knowledge Strategy - Its implications if they do, and its implications if they don't.

We consider the enablers for knowledge creation are:

  • Vision
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • System
  • Staff

KM-BI-Consulting knowledge management consulting team works with our clients in developing knowledge management products and solutions by:

  • Identifying and defining the knowledge that is important and relevant for clients company's objectives, and structure this knowledge base for easy retrieval and managed growth within the Content/Context area
  • Developing and implementing efficient and continuous processes in which knowledge is identified, captured, validated, structured, stored and disseminated
  • Help to manage knowledge with an appropriate Information Technology and Media infrastructure Using collaboration tools for building products and solutions

 We help our clients in developing KM solutions which provide:

  • Better service and products for their customers
  • Faster generation and application of ideas and innovations
  • Access to industry best practices and best-in-class methodologies
  • Access to competitor and market intelligence
  • Access to internal and external networks of expertise
  • Ability to deliver continuous learning
  • Likelihood of lower cost administrative processes
  • More efficient and timely marketing and communications
  • Greater (cultural and linguistic) geographic reach
  • Reduced loss of knowledge through staff turnover

Services offered by our consulting service:

  • Consulting, evaluation and assessment

  • Represent and manage company knowledge

  • Systems

  • Staff development

  • Leadership and executive coaching

  • Development of creativity and product innovation

  • Distance learning cognitive platform. Fast and deep learning for staff.

Why do companies all around the world resort to our team looking for help?

  • When they feel that their company is being left behind

  • When they see competitors are doing better

  • When they know they are losing market share

  • Companies usually don't know how much they really know about themselves and about their competitors. Would you like to know more about yours?

  • To push their creativity ahead, to unleash their potential.

  • Looking for a strategy. Strategies are always knowledge based.

We can provide insight. Let us grow your business today.

Many motives have been cited in the literature leading to the engagement of consultants. These may be summarized as follows:
  • Provide skills not within firm
  • Counter internal constraint
  • Counter cognitive constraint
  • As an aid to action without the brake of internal politics
  • Mitigate risk
  • Promotion of an executive agenda
  • Change or challenge status quo
  • Overcome internal resistance to change
  • Achieve change with greater speed than allowed by internal organic change
  • Pressure from Stakeholders

There is an inherent tension between an individual's private and internal sense of reality and the problem of finding a means of articulating that reality. It is suggested the role of the consultant provides a cogent and explicit form. Providing a model or artifact around which dialogue can develop. This model emerges as an antidote to the bounded limitation of the individual's capacity to interpret an increasingly complex world and the dysfunction and conflict that this might imply. Another factor might be speed. The consultant, being an external party, is not mired in internal politics of the organization.


The following motivational factors behind the engagement of consultants are identified as of measurable significance to the client firm:

  • Consultants have greater expertise than internees
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Speed is of the essence
  • Overcome internal resistance to change (politics)
  • Risk Mitigation: Hiring consultants leads to safer and more accountable outcomes

Click this link to request a first contact with KM-BI-Consulting

Maintenance of secrecy

It is contractually agreed by both parties to maintain secrecy. KM-BI-Consulting will be obliged to secrecy with regard to any information divulged by the Client. An obligation to maintain secrecy should survive the expiration of the consulting relationship.

KM-BI-Consulting requires a purchase order or consulting agreement to be executed prior to starting work with any new client. Normally, we will enter into discussions and contract negotiations after a Bilateral Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreement is executed. You may ask for our standard consulting agreement. We do not insist  on using that document word for word, so you may suggest changes, or alternately you may ask us to review your standard agreement instead.

:: Pages for a deeper insight ::
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Characteristics of knowledge management in business

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Knowledge management in business

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The Knowledge Manager Job

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Creativity, Innovation and knowledge management

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Organizational Learning

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Brainstorming in Organizations

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punto elenco Project management with knowledge management tools

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